Sunday, July 22, 2012

I have food allergies, do you?

My daughter and I have many environmental and food allergies.  Not the anaphylactic type, thank God, but still uncomfortable results.  One of my food allergies is heavily-yeasted foods and beverages.  Now I understand why I never developed a taste for beer, but I digress.  I love bread, most commercially sold breads are heavily-yeasted and have tried many substitutes.  Never fear, I found the panacea; a variety of yeast free breads baked by Julian Bakery in La Jolla California.  I think my new favorite is going to Paleo Bread  - Coconut.  They are pricey but my good health is priceless.  Let me know what you think?

I find pleasure in the simplest things. 

Sunday Blessings,
The Resource Lady